Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I've glad I've moved to Lincoln Square. The general mood is lighter, and people just seem happier, like they are enjoying their lives and taking pride in their community. It makes me feel like I should donate to public radio. That kind of happy.

Old Town School of Folk Music is in my neighborhood so you tend to see people (and kids) with musical instruments strapped to their back.

While on a walk today I noticed a man walking beside me. He had a guitar (not in the case) strapped to his chest with his arms at his side. We crossed Montrose Avenue, which I believe is the border between North Center and Lincoln Square, into Lincoln Square, and he started playing the guitar and singing at the top of lungs.

It's like he knew he was entering a magical land of Chicago where musicians weren't labeled as crazy if they felt like sharing their songs with passers by. He was finally with his people and needed to celebrate.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Young: You're famous.

Me: Why?

Arnie: He saw Chic-A-Go-Go.

So now we know what we look like when we dance.

Monday, May 28, 2007

I gave my seat on the bus to a elderly man and this is what he gave me in return. I'm still not quite sure what it is, I think it's from the Torah. An excerpt:

Daughter of Dibri: She was a chatterbox. She would speak with everybody. This is why she behaved immorally.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Went to Stacey's tonight to celebrate Bob's 30th birthday.

Me: Happy Birthday!

Bob: Thanks. I'm old.

Me: When did it hit you?

Bob: When I went to the skate park yesterday.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

This is Arnie's new i.O. team, Diplomat Motel. You may notice a few familiar faces from Psychoplasmics.

I've also recently been placed on a new i.O. team called Stottlemeyer, with Hedges, who used to be on Otis, with Arnie.

The Chicago Reader wrote an article a couple years back stating that 5000 improvisors are in Chicago. When switcheroos like this happen it feels like a lot less.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Since I haven't worked a standard 9-5 job in over three years I've forgotten the redemptive qualities of Friday afternoons. I got myself so excited for the weekend on my way out of the office that by the time I got home I was too worn out to do much of anything.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Look at what I found in the fridge.

Tim is probably saving the bubble gum center for dessert after he eats his weight in garlic condiments.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Now that I live in super cute Lincoln Square, I figured it was appropriate to visit the super cute local bookstore to buy a book for my first ever (super cute?) book club.

Me: Do you have 'The Glass Castle?'

Sweet But Kinda Jaded Book Store Clerk: Uh, yes, it's right there. Book club?

Me: How did you know?

SBKJBS Clerk: It's one of those books.

Me: Do you know what it's about?

SBKJBS Clerk: Eh, it's one of those memoirs where people have messed up parents. But I've heard it's good.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is the outside of my new office.

I didn't take this picture, Ryan did, who is now my co-worker, in this office, where I work, with this sign on the side.

Monday, May 21, 2007

In December Bob sent me this mix. It a compilation of songs spanning about 50 years called Oldies and Newsies.

He said it was the best mix he has ever made, and that's saying a lot because I'm certain Bob makes about three mixes a day.

I'm not great at being nuanced about my critiques of music or movies, usually I just say if I liked it or not, but this mix is...well it's great. So great that while walking through the Loop at 5pm (it's like being a salmon swimming upstream, and the stream is actaully more salmon) I almost cried at a few of the sappier songs.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tonight I spent some time unpacking and decorating at the new apartment.

Since I'm living with Tim it was more than appropriate to put my pictures, magnets, Kindergarten diploma, and Awesome Artist Award on the refrigerator. They no longer have to hide.

I didn't want to put my poster from the Theater in the living room, it felt silly, so it has found a home too.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tonight Matt H., Adam H., Pete, and I went to see the Chicago Rush for Pete's birthday.

Who are the Chicago Rush? They are the local arena football team, defending champions in fact. Arena football is touted as being the most fan friendly sport in the nation.

So what does this mean? After every play there is some sort of entertainment. T-shirt cannons. Overweight fans riding tricycles to win season tickets. Kids having a dance contest. Music plays throughout the whole game.

What was the highlight of the game? At halftime a junior high football team had a scrimmage. One side was wearing Patriots home jerseys; the other was wearing Patriots away jerseys.

Matt H: The Patriots against the Patriots? Oh God, the world is caving in on itself! This is amazing!

Did I mention the Chicago Rush mascot? It's Grabowski. A long time ago Mike Ditka (owner of the Rush) described the Chicago Bears as a 'bunch of Grabowskis,' a team of hard working, blue collar-esque players, who go out there to do their job, not for frills.

Grabowski (the mascot) is a man wearing a football jersey, a plush oversized tool belt (with plushy hammer), and a construction helmet.

Pete: What does he think he's going to build with that thing? Let's not bother him. He's working.

Friday, May 18, 2007

My camera battery charger is still M.I.A. Let's hoping it turns up soon. I've got a team of Cubs infielders searching like bloodhounds.

One year ago today Chet called and offered the job at the Theater. I immediately began making a mental list of all the things I had to do before I left, one of them being, go to as many baseball games as possible.... and I did. What did I say to convince people to go with me? "When the next time THIS will happen?" I acted like I was dying.

I haven't approached this season with the same sense of urgency. With moving, starting a new job, and getting used to a new routine I haven't had time. But the season is long and I still have a lot of chances to catch games. Plus I plan on being around for a while.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

An email from Doug:

I don't miss you to the point of being sad. Don't get me wrong; I miss you. Just, not in an agonizing way. Maybe that didn't read right. Oh well. I'm a boy. I'm not supposed to be good at expressing how I feel.

I like being on a ship and going all over the place and meeting new people... but I miss the familiar, too. Waking up each morning in a different country is great... don't let me sound like I am complaining... but the only security blanket is the ship, and that's not so comforting.

I really am having a great time, though. I guess I do just miss you. Slightly in an agonizing way.

Doug liked to take my camera while I wasn't looking. I have quite a few pictures like this.
I've been accidently calling people Doug lately.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I took this picture while on a walk, the day before I moved back to Chicago. It's the patio of the bar Ryan, Arnie, and I went to on my first night in Boston. You know, the place where I finally came clean about my feelings regarding David Ortiz.

But why am I posting this picture?

1. I've lost my battery charger and my camera is dead.

2. It reminds me that it's ok to be a little sad when you make changes, and that it's possible that something very happy can turn into something not so happy, and it's just life, and you can do something about it.

3. I have a new job, full time, health insurance, etc. The perk? Ryan works here too. I hope he doesn't decide to leave after I've been here for a month.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

An email from a friend:

I feel compelled to share with you that my little brother one time called in to Chic-A-Go-Go when it used to air live.

He threatened to kill Ratso.

He was probably 13.

It was shortly after that incident [and another one involving a children's homework hotline] that my mother banned all of us from calling in to Public Access Shows.

I wish that wasn't a true story.

I watched the show tonight. Arnie and I were not on it. Maybe next week. Set your DVR.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mickey and I met again yesterday. This time he was awake.

He started crying right after I took this picture.

Me: It's crying.

Grandpa: HA! IT'S! Did you hear that Mary Lou? She called the baby 'It's!'

Me: He. I meant he.

In reality I meant 'it' as in 'the' in 'THE baby.' In my family the youngest member is always referred to as 'the baby.' When another comes along (which has happened often in the last six years), you are revoked of the title and more appropriately referred to by your given Christian name. The only exception is Caroline and Jimmy, who will always be 'the twins.'

Jesse and I were 'the babies' for a lot of years. Then 'the kids.' In fact we only stopped being referred to as 'the kids’ in the last couple of years. Every Christmas, someone will make a joke about Jesse and I having to sit at the kids table. If it wasn't so full now I probably would.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day at Julie and Stu's house.

Grandpa: The last time I saw my mother the alzheimer's was pretty bad at that point. I walk in and she looks at me and says 'Uncle Felix!' Well I didn't know who that was, her mother had thirteen kids so I had aunts and uncles I didn't even know. So I looked him up and...

Julie: THIRTEEN! Oh my god, I'm getting really worried that Stu and I are related....IT HAPPENS! We need to get a genealogy tree done.

Me: But you found him in England.

Grandpa: Well alot of Irish and English get together.

Julie(to Stu): I swear we're related.

Happy Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Balderdash highlight:

Write a brief synopsis of the movie 'The Right Stuff.'

BJ's Answer: A documentary about New Kids on the Block and their quest for the stuff that is right.

Mary Beth: That's it. I can go home now. The night is not going to get any better. In fact, I can die now.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Tim and I were late to the Cowlick show tonight. This is why.

Tim's cat has been trying to get into my room everyday, and not making much progress. Recently she has started leaning on my door so when I open it she falls in to assure entry. Tonight while getting ready I decided to let her inspect my newly arranged room and get it out of her system.

When it was time to go I couldn't find her, but could see something moving under the bed. She found a way to get into my box spring and after taking the bed apart (including having to rip the lining of the bottom of the box spring) we pulled her out.

She jumped back in.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

This is the line up from my last show in Boston.

My name was never spelled right on any line up. Ever. For the first few months the 'h' was left off of my name, then an 'a' started to go missing, and sometimes both.

When I glanced at the line up on my last night I didn't see any typos and it kind of broke my heart. But I didn't look closely enough.

Sarh would be in 'Dateline #2.' Calm was restored.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Firecracker business meeting.

Issues discussed:

-4th of July plans.
-Fake boyfriend names.
-Songs the need to be written and re-written.
-The location of our next show.
-The best website for engagement rings.
-The possibility of touring.
-The amount of 'give' in the right pair of flip flops.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Me: I'm going to make the bed. Would you put the pillows on?

Arnie: Yes.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Tim and I decided to get some fast food.

We have very different palates.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

This is what we found at the new apartment after moving the sofa.

Tim: Oh dear God. The cat loves to play with pens and they get stuck under there, that’s why there are so many. Jeez! Two boxes of dental floss?

In less than a minute Tim had the floor completely clean.

Me: That was quick!

Tim: My level of quickness increases exponentially in relation to my level of embarrassment.

And later:

Tim: You have misquoted me on your blog a few times.

In all honesty....he said that a few days later.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Yay! Yay Yay Yay! It's moving day!

Living out of a suitcase for two months has made me more than happy to carry couches, maneuver corners, and sweat like crazy.

However I did draw the line at driving the truck so Arnie, being oh so helpful, did.

It was a small truck.

Happily Exhausted.

Friday, May 04, 2007

This is Boaz, Cowlick's Musical Director, with Knauf after our show.

Boaz: You guys, I have a serious question. Can I pull off this hat?

Me: Yes.

Mary Beth: Yes.

Me: Yes.

Very few men can pul off a Fedora. But if your name is Boaz I think it's your birth right.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

This sits on the floor in Arnie's kitchen.

I've recently noticed a lot of fortunes lying about his apartment. Right now "Your Efforts Will be Worthwhile" is on the dresser, "It's quality rather than quantity that matters, do a good job" is on a bookshelf, and "It's very possible that you will achieve greatness in your lifetime" is on the desk. "See reverse side for opening instructions" sitting on a table confused me for half a second until I realized it was a tab from a box.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm happy to not travel as often as I used to, but I do miss people watching at the airports.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My need for health insurance has prevailed so I'm once again looking for a job, probably full time that will let me see a doctor, or at the very least, not force me to go to Cook County Hospital if I get hit by a car. At this point I know I'm not going to get a job I love (I'm not even sure what that would be), but I would prefer something I don't hate.

A week ago, while pouring through Craig's List ads I found this:

My response: This is hilarious. Please tell me this is a bit.

Their response: Not a bit, but a test. It really helps to weed out uptight and humorless people. Guess what? You passed. Can you send a resume?

So I did. The next day I had an interview, a really great interview. It turns out it's a very good job, with good pay, benefits, and a boss with a sense of humor. The interviewer sent me an email the next day saying how happy he was with the interview and that he would get back to me in a day or two.

He never called back. I'm amazed that the really good interviews I have result, not only NOT getting the job, but not getting a courtesy call. Maybe it was a crappy job and he didn't have the heart to tell me.

The search continues...