Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Sunday, May 06, 2007

This is what we found at the new apartment after moving the sofa.

Tim: Oh dear God. The cat loves to play with pens and they get stuck under there, that’s why there are so many. Jeez! Two boxes of dental floss?

In less than a minute Tim had the floor completely clean.

Me: That was quick!

Tim: My level of quickness increases exponentially in relation to my level of embarrassment.

And later:

Tim: You have misquoted me on your blog a few times.

In all honesty....he said that a few days later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can forgive most of that, but the wooden cooking spoon? I'm never letting you cook for me.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Mags said...

I wanted to tell you that you indirectly made me smile today. I was visiting Boston and riding the red line and looked up and saw a picture for the comedy ad-and you were on it.

I said to my friend, "This might sound weird, but Sarah gave this girl jeans for her birthday and she modeled them on a blog."

You were in the picture. It was very cool feeling a connection to people I have never bet, even if it's very small...

Thank you for providing that link for me.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Hey, Sarah, how about updating your freaking blog.

3:14 PM  

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