Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tonight I went out to dinner with Stacey and Natalie, an old tradition of catching up over pork chops at Salt n Pepper. Two years ago we met in an improv class and decided to start and independent improv group titled 'Sonofabitchgoddamnwerethreefunnyassbitches.'

Since then we have done many improv shows, put up a sketch show, birthed an Amish chick band, and changed to a less confusing name; Firecracker. My move will not stop us from performing together so we talked about some upcoming projects. It's not ideal but we love performing together so we'll make it work.

Stacey: Moving is hard. I've moved every five usually coincided with the end of a relationship. Give yourself six months. You'll feel better.

Me: Are you going to move again?

Stacey: I don't know. I love Chicago...and I'm tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice candid photo. I feel a little violated. But I like that from you, Sarah. It was great to see you. Can't wait for our show!

1:44 PM  

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