Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Sunday, January 28, 2007

This morning Jackie, Stacey P., Doug, and I went out to breakfast. Jackie just got back from a weeklong retreat where she did yoga everyday and took organic cooking classes based in the philosophy of yoga.

Jackie: It's common sense but basically you should try to eat things that are closer to the earth and give up foods made in a lab. Like that syrup your using? It tastes good, but not really from the earth. The hot sauce is closer to the earth than that.

And speaking of giving up, I haven't smoked in 7 days. I hesitate to say I've quit, but I'm not planning on smoking tomorrow...that's about as far ahead as I can think. I've heard that it takes 21 days to break a habit so I'm 1/3 of the way there.

I have been trying to eat better too, but Sunday breakfast will always remain the same; full of cholesterol, caffeine, and condiments made in a lab. I can only give up so much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I take it she ate a lot of dirt and rocks while doing yoga? Red hot magma is closer to the earth than most anything.

3:58 PM  

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