Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Drinks after our Stottlemeyer show at i.O.

Jeremy S., a member of Stottlemeyer, had his last show with the team. He'll be moving to L.A. next week, so we talked a lot about his move, and then about traveling in general.

Stonelake: I went to India for a wedding a couple years back. Driving there is crazy. Everyone has a car, they are constantly honking, the streets are small, and there is no way to police traffic. If there is a car accident, the person with the bigger car is at fault. If the cars are the same size the person who is larger is at fault. If the people are the same size, they settle it with a fist fight.

Stottlemeyer has been invited to perform at the Del Close Marathon in New York City, in July, so we'll be doing some traveling together soon.

Boston was a three hour bus ride away from New York, and visiting (since I never had) was on my list of things to do. When I moved back my 'list of things to do' quickly turned into my 'list of failed accomplishments' with a trip to NYC being at the top. It's a short list. I'll be happy to cross something off, but I suspect I'd be happier if I just let go of the list.


Blogger stonelake said...

In case your readers are going to be driving in India I want to be sure- in case of differently-sized drivers, it is the smaller driver who is presumed to be at fault.

But the smaller can always instigate a fistfight if he wishes, and by emerging victorious establish himself as not at fault.

This works something like the penalty for fighting in the old Blades of Steel video game.


3:36 PM  

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