Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yesterday I went to my first baseball game of the season at Wrigley (I know, I know) with Mary Beth.

Mary Beth can count on one hand how many times she has eaten red meat. Today she had her first hot dog. It was like watching a child see their first magic show.

She also doesn't know much about baseball but still finds things to entertain herself.

Mary Beth: I think my favorite part of baseball is watching the players throw around the ball before they start the inning. It's like their saying 'Man I am SOOO bored. Hey! Let's throw this around!" It's really arrogant. I love it.

We spent the majority of the time talking about our show which was opening up in a few short hours, and music in general.

Mary Beth: In the German language there is actaully a word to describe having a song stuck in your head.

Me: What is it?

Mary Beth: I can't remember. But it's really good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Literally, "ear worm."

5:45 PM  

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