Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Highlights from an evening with Kara and Jana:


Kara: What was that!?!

Me: I just fell down the stairs. But I didn't drop any of the peanuts in my hand. You want a peanut?

and later...

Jana: PS-I'm fixing your haircut next week.

Me: Why?

Kara: Is it hurting your feelings too?

Jana: Big time.

and even later...

Kara: Jana you are going to be such a cute pregnant lady.

Jana: Your are going to be too.

Kara: Sarah I can't picture you pregnant.

Jana: No, I can't either.

Fun Night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, did the pregnant one fall? Because that can result in having a kid like me. You might want to put her ass in a hamster ball. The alternative could be devastating, much like your haircut.

7:17 PM  

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