Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Friday, February 09, 2007

Yay! Yay Yay Yay!

Arnie flew into Boston late last night. Whenever he comes in town I feel like I should show him around the city, but I don't know too much about the city so I ask around and we end up doing 'touristy' things. You know, stuff I see locals doing when they have friends in town. I can pretend.

So we went to a museum, saw a movie, and went to The Oyster House for seafood. Here is Arnie trying his first steamer.

Arnie: Jeez, I look like a bear eating.

And later we met up with Doug for drinks and started talking about Chicago.

Doug: I don't get it when a city has two baseball teams. I mean, I would think people would like both.

Me: Well, both teams represent more than just the sport. Chicago was and is very segregated and the teams, who are kind of across the tracks from each other...well actually the old mayor of Chicago, literally built a highway to segregate the white and black people of the city, and anyway Comiskey and the White Sox became symbol of working class....

And then I looked at them with their eyes glazed over just staring at me trying to feign interest. I felt like BJ talking about his home improvements.

Me: I can't believe I'm boring you both with baseball at the same time. This is weird.

Arnie: (turning to Doug) So, the cruise! Are you excited for your trip?



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