Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Yay! Yay Yay Yay!

Today I went to Andover for Thanksgiving at Stacey's parent's house. Her family was very inviting and the food was great. While Bob and I were getting food we noticed a small serving dish of, what looked like, stuffing placed right next to the enormous bowl of Portuguese stuffing. No one had taken any.

Bob: What is this?

Me: I don't know. Let's try it.

We each took a small spoonful and sat down next to Stacey's parents.

Stacey Dad: Oh look! You took some of my turnip puff! Try it.

Stacey Mom rolled her eyes. Bob and I took a bite at the same time while Stacey's Dad eagerly watched.

Bob: It's definitely not as bad as I thought it would be.

Stacey's Dad went to the buffet, grabbed the rest of the turnip puff in one hand and a big serving spoon in the other.

Stacey's Dad: Here Sarah, you want more? Have more. (Yelling to the rest of the family, all 35 of them) WHO WANTS SOME TURNIP PUFF?!? IT'S GOING FAST!

After dinner I grabbed my new camera. I turned it on and...the screen went green. Suddenly the door to the front of the camera was stuck. My second camera was broken. Arnie had been having problems with it before, but it never stopped working. Two days in my hands and it's done. I've never believed that people are genuinely unlucky, but now I'm starting to wonder.

But there is an upside to all this, I have figured out that I can still take pictures with my old camera, I just can't see the picture while I'm taking it. Until I get Arnie's camera fixed expect a lot of out of focus photos with too much flash.


Blogger Walking Into Pictures said...

And in case you're wondering I took this picture with Bob's camera while he was trying to fix my camera. With my track record I'm suprised he even let me touch it.

4:58 PM  
Blogger blob bladewig said...

never again.

10:03 AM  

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