Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Lots of visitors this weekend.

Tonight Ryan was back in town so we decided to get some pizza before the show and take a walk through the North End.

Ryan: Do you ever wish that you could just leave a place for like 4 or 5 months and then come back?

We made our way to the theater so he could say hi to the rest of the cast.

Mike: Are you going to see the show?

Ryan: No, I'm going to watch Micah do stand up and then I'll be back to play in the Midnight Show.

Jeremy: Classy.

Mike: Yeah, you could have shown up at 11:45 and told us you just got in town, but show up and hour before the show, at the theater you worked in, where your friends are, and decide not to stay.

But he did come back and play in the Midnight Show, along with Micah and Matt H., another friend from Chicago who used to work at the theater. It was great to have them back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Thanks for the ticket for the show. It was great to be back in the old stomping ground.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you like Mike's pink "Clap Your Hands and Yeah" t-shirt?" It's pink.

In defense of my "classiness," Micah is also a friend of mine and was my roommate for the year I was in Boston.

And Kansas was playing Florida at 10:30pm, and I had to catch some of that game.

You can't please everybody...

11:31 AM  
Blogger Walking Into Pictures said...

Jeremy said it so talk to him.

Go Kansas.

12:20 PM  

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