Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Last Sunday I took a walk looking for a Saint's Festival, but never found one. Today while I was walking to the coffee shop I heard the faint sound of a marching band. I walked two blocks north trying to find it, like a festival detective, but never did.

But today begins another Sunday tradition: Flag Football.

The theater has a team in the Boston Social League. It's a rule that there must be at least two women playing on each team and when on offense, every third play must have a woman involved.

Only three women showed up for the theater. A girl I did not know, Stacey P. (a co-owner of the theater who is six months pregnant), and myself.

Norm: Well it looks like you two are playing the whole game.

Stacey P. : What? I'm here!

Norm: You're playing?

So Stacey P. played, very well in fact. During the game we decided that Stacey's unborn baby is the MVP of our team. The ref just looked at us in disbelief.

Score Today: The Theater 33 Capital One 8


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you didn't get penalized for too many men on the field.

I'll be here all year, folks.

3:00 PM  

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