Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tonight I went over Tim's apartment (soon to be 'our' apartment) to watch 'The Departed.'

Tim: So are you going to do that thing where you point out all the places you recognize?

Me: Oh yeah this was filmed in Boston...I forgot.

So I started doing it.

Me: Ooo! Govermentment Center! The State House! The T!

Tim: The T? That's what they call the train? That's stupid.

Me: It's like us calling the train the el, right?

Tim: No. The word train is mono syllabic. It doesn't need to be shortened. Excuse me I going to hop in my C and go to the S for some M and E. Fucking dumb.

And later,

Me: Ooo! That's the bridge! I can't remember it's name.

Tim: Do they call it the B?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the "T" is short for MBTA (Mass Bay Transit Authority).

Not the word "train".

8:03 PM  
Blogger tara d. said...

if it was short for the word train, i'd be fine with that. i do this sort of abbreviating everyday.

a failure

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This photo made me so homesick for Boston I vomited.

10:58 PM  

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