Chicago to Boston to Chicago

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My new apartment is located in the North End of Boston, the Italian neighborhood filled with lots of culture, history, and 'brickish charm.'

Every weekend in the summer there is a street festival to celebrate an Italian saint and the church that sponsors the event. This weekend the Feast of Saint Agrippina lasted three days. Multiple times a day a band would play up and down the street while men would carry the statue of Saint Agrippina and people would run up and pin money on ribbons attached to the statue.

So I did a little research. It's unclear exactly why Saint Agrippina was beheaded in Rome during the reign of Valerian. But the miracles began after her death and dealt more with the three young women who carried her body to Mineo. Apparently it took them very little time because a cloud protected them from bad weather and angels followed them to keep them from harm during their journey.

Saint Agrippina is evoked against evil spirits, leprosy, and thunderstorms. It was a beautiful day.

At night a carnival was set up where you could eat canolis, listen to a cover band, and win inflatable 'Dora the Explorer' dolls at pop-a-shot.


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